Goal Review Student

Term 1 2017 Goal Review and Next Steps

Parent Goal(s)
Strategies I can use are:
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Commitment, Perfectionist, Sometimes not taking risks, Great memory and retention. Empathetic towards others, Likes to do things by the book, Rules, Sense of humor, Help out around the community| Pet and Animals, Netball, Gymnastics, 3D printing, Sports
… Improve and alignment in with reading and writing. Maths standard.
Take more risks and use the stuck strategies

Student Goal(s)
I want to get better at my Writing.

In Maths I want to better understand proportions and ratios

Take more risks in my learning and try new things
Strategies I can use are:
Take more risks and use the stuck strategies
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...,


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