On the 15th and 16th of November the year 5's are going to Woodend for one night and two days and I am in a bunkroom with Amber.M ,Jordyn ,Zara ,Ella ,Anabel ,Caitlyn and Dania and it will be so much fun.
Term 4 Learning Goal My Learning Goal I want to be able too keep up with completing my SMLs every week. How am I going to achieve my goal? List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal. I want to be able to focus really hard on doing my SMLs with the time I have. I want to be able to do some SMLs at home. How will I know when I have achieved my goal? I will have more than the needed points I have every week. My Learner Qualities Goal I want to be resilient. How am I going to achieve my goal? List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal. When stuck go to my friends for help. Ask teachers when really stuck. How will I know when I have achieved my goal? When I only have to get help if it is really needed.
Red and White aka Read and Write Celebrating: Where’s Wally’s 30th Anniversary and Dr Seuss’s 60th Anniversary As part of Literacy Week there is a dress up day to come as your favourite book character. Add a photo of you from the dress up day Add a photo of the front cover of the book your character is from Who’s your favourite book character and why? Tris ( Beatrice ) Prior is a girl born in Abnegation but transferred to Dauntless at 16 years old but she is constantly in danger because she is Divergent.So she can't be controlled by simulations during an attack on Abnegation she must fight to stay alive. But soon after both her parents die and her lover Tobias ( Four ) Eaton becomes controlled by a simulation. She must fight him and somehow he breaks free from the simulation and he and Tris shut down the simulation saving Abnegation.
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