
Showing posts from May, 2017


My Goal is I can communicate precise meaning related to the topic  (Vocabulary) Write your “moment in time” writing here using this format by joining your ideas above together, in an interesting way: On one peaceful morning I decided that I would take the boat out to do some fishing. I love the way that the motor sounds. The wonderful taste of cheese and ham from my sandwich and the taste of hot chocolate. I hate the feeling of the fish when I pull them out of the water it is never a pleasant feeling for me. I also will never like the smell of petrol. Snap! Suddenly I turn around see a Crocodile Munching on my boat. Luckily he gets bored and goes away. My reflection on writing this week: I have worked towards achieving my goals by: Coming up with good ideas

About To Hatch

My Goal is I can communicate precise meaning related to the topic  (Vocabulary) My reflection on writing this week: I have worked towards achieving my goals by: Making Sure That The Words Make Sense I love to walk on the beach at sunset the view is amazing. But suddenly I see something that spoils the view a giant egg on the beach. I can taste the salty air and the grains of sand in my mouth I can smell the salty air coming from the sea I can see the waves in the sea coming to the shore and a big egg on the beach I can hear the popping sound of the egg cracking open I can feel the slime coming out of the egg as it cracks open As I get closer to the egg it cracks open with a loud bang! When I get close enough to see I peek in and I see the most adorable white tern popping out of the egg. Filled with adoration I carefully scoop her up and take her home.

Mirror in the Attic

I can communicate precise meaning related to the topic  (Vocabulary) My reflection on this writing: I have worked towards achieving my goals by: Working hard and using dedication She had found it lying alone, deserted, abandoned in the attic. After making the discovery, Anna had gazed and marvelled at it for some time. Where had it come from? Why had no dust settled upon it, as it had done over everything else that resided in her attic? A layer of the thick dust blanketed the attic floor, and as the sunlight glared through the attic windows, the dust particles yet to settle were illuminated as they hovered in the stuffy air. Yet, the mirror looked flawless, untouched by age, not a fingerprint in sight. Anna propped the mirror up against one of the thick, timber beams that jutted from the attic floor. Settling down into a comfortable position, she tentatively placed a finger against the glass. As soon she laid a finger on the glass she heard a strange humming sound...